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Factores Organizacionales que Influyen en el Desempeño Laboral del Personal del Área de Talento Humano de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro.

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dc.contributor.advisor León García, Karen Catherine
dc.contributor.author Choca Saigua, Jaime Patricio
dc.contributor.author León Suárez, Anabell Alexandra
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-28T14:29:38Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-28T14:29:38Z
dc.date.issued 2018-11
dc.identifier.uri http://repositorio.unemi.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4483
dc.description En esta investigación se realizó entrevistas al Director del área de talento humano, y analistas, en la entrevista con los integrantes, menciona el director para que haya un buen gestiona miento de talento humano se debe regir bajo el marco legal de la LOSEP y se perfilaron con tópicos sobre, clima laboral, perfiles idóneos para el área de talento humano, fidelizar el talento de los empleados, nuevas técnicas y métodos en el reclutamiento, comunicación efectiva y asertiva, cultura organizacional, nuevas estructuras departamentales de acuerdo a los perfiles de cada uno de los subordinados. es_ES
dc.description.abstract This research is developed based on the organizational factors of the work performance which has been implemented in the State University of Milagro in the area of human talent using strategies and objectives that help the progress of the inquiry. Emphasizing the organizational factors also known as psychosocial factors that in one way or another bring the organization to grow or fall, a well-established organization has to be clear about its factors to which it should To strengthen to have a better competitiveness, within this area we find that the organizational climate is the main factor within the Department of work so a place where a good environment does not develop can not give good results, within the Human talent different functions are developed as selection of personnel, control among others that must be well directed to achieve a good profitability. We also need to be clear that constant motivation and training helps workers not feel so pressured within the area on the contrary should feel part of the Organization. We have established clear objectives that help us to develop and strengthen the establishment in the same way giving solutions to the problems Encountered. es_ES
dc.language.iso spa es_ES
dc.rights openAccess es_ES
dc.subject Factores Organizacionales es_ES
dc.subject Desempeño laboral es_ES
dc.subject Estrategias es_ES
dc.subject Competitividad es_ES
dc.subject Rentabilidad es_ES
dc.title Factores Organizacionales que Influyen en el Desempeño Laboral del Personal del Área de Talento Humano de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro. es_ES
dc.type bachelorThesis es_ES
dc.source.reponame Repositorio de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro es_ES
dc.source.instname Universidad Estatal de Milagro es_ES
dc.unemi.typesenescyt Proyectos de Investigación es_ES

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