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Titel: Interactive resources to improve the significant English Learning Process on seventh grade basic education’s students at “Luis Vernaza” Private School
Autoren: Maridueña Macancela, Irlanda Jacqueline
Camacho Zaras, Maria Narcisa
Stichwörter: PROBLEM
Erscheinungsdatum: Jan-2012
Zusammenfassung: "How I would like to say there is not a single problem in the English teaching-learning process as second language in my beloved city! But I cannot do this! The problem has been kept quiet for long years, and almost everybody have become accomplices of a fact that we have been tried to cover during all those years: the lack of two of the most important skills in the communication, in English’s teachers, not only of who we have educated ourselves in the University, and we are trying to transmit a knowledge that we do not acquire. The flaw is not alone our but the same professors that taught us to be excellent grammarians, without any doubt, but they did not have developed its speaking and listening communication level, therefore we had two of the biggest holes in the development of our professionalism. The easiest thing was closing the School of Languages, not forcing teachers of the university to attend seminaries, workshops to demonstrate they are really qualified to be able to teach to teach. Another of the big problems is the fact of not knowing how use strategies, TICs or any material resources in our classes. This project analyzes and suggests a guide of concepts to understand the problem better and trying to improve the process transforming it from a vertical one…into a horizontal process which becomes the best medicine ever for a good development of the teaching-learning process.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación mención Lenguaje Inglés y Lingüística

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