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Titel: Análisis del turismo rural y su influencia en el desarrollo económico, social y cultural del Cantón Chambo en la Provincia de Chimborazo
Autoren: Mieles Cevallos, Dolores Narcisa
Valencia Guerrero, Margoth Marisela
Erscheinungsdatum: Sep-2013
Zusammenfassung: Knowing the social, economic cultural community tourism brings in Canton Chambo becomes the main objective to develop research. It features a variety of settings and destinations that become attraction for visitors, lack of culture, the reluctance of the people gives rise to particular proposals are being led and benefiting. The support of regional governments is not suitable, run scattered activities that fail to awaken in people culture tourism. By applying a survey is done to gather information from local residents. The data collected are quantified by determining who has not benefited those involved, is the opportunity to make a proposal to help boost tourism, starting with the documentation of places, designing routes and destinations, raise a training campaign for services guidance and leadership. In a unit to coordinate the arrival, displacement and return visitors, with sufficient printed material. This work will improve the quality of life in various sectors including transportation, food, livestock for agricultural producers. For the inhabitants of the urban area will have the opportunity to perform recreational activities in safe locations equipped with comfort and with elements that support their activities.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Tesis de Licenciatura en Turismo

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