
Tesis de Maestría en Enseñanza en Ingles como Lengua Extranjera Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Game-based learning strategy to enhance speaking skills in students of third baccalaureateRiera Hermida, Fernando Patricio; Chacua Arcos, Nelly Gabriela; Torres Zhigue, Carmen Yolanda
2024Artificial intelligence as a digital tool to improve listening skills in english as foreign languageAnaguano Pérez, Sara Lorena; Quistial Erazo, Brayan Gerónimo; Jiménez Cuello, Andrea Karelys; Carrión Jiménez, Mayra Lupe
2024Estrategias instruccionales efectivas para desarrollar habilidades de escucha en adolescentes con tdah. Effective instructional strategies to develop listening skills in adolescents with adhdFabre Merchán, Paolo; Balseca Ponce, Isabel Estefanía; Ibarra Martínez, Diana Estefanía; Toscano Caisalitin, Jeremin Adrián
2024The impact of effective vocabulary learning strategies in english learners to improve their vocabulary acquisitionLozano Alvarado, Carla Isabel; Tobar Paredes, Carla Doménica; Cisneros Jarrín, Estefanía Alexandra
2024The role of phonetic instruction in enhancing speaking skills for high school students: a study based on cambridge fce exam resultsManzano Díaz, Mirtha; Novillo Sarmiento, Juan José; Paredes Morales, Melissa Damari
2024The influence of project-based learning on reading comprehension among secondary Students in the ecuadorian efl contextRecalde García, Frans Andrés; Caizaluisa Calahorrano, Luis Vicente; Sumba Agila, Vicky Jacqueline
2024Aplicación Elsa como herramienta tecnológica para fomentar la pronunciación y la fluidez en un aula de inglés como lengua extranjera en EcuadorZambrano Pachay, Jorge Francisco; Caicedo Lastra, Shirley Raquel; Cabrera Guillén, Carolina De Jesús
2024Communicative activities to improve the speaking skill of tenth grade students at Unidad Educativa Adolfo Kolping in Riobamba- EcuadorOrozco Jurado, Vanessa Viviana; Cruz Torres, María Alejandra
2024The Impact of Lyrics Training Application on Enhancing Speaking Skills in A1-Level StudentsCabrera Arias, Sandra Mercedes; Sandoval-Vizuete, Estuardo Vladimir; Viracocha Chicaiza, Jenny Guicela; Almeida Ruiz, Gloria Tatiana
2024The Influence of Age in the Cognitive Process of Vocabulary for Learning English as a Foreign Language in Students of 4th Grade at a Public School in Pichincha ProvinceRiera Hermida, Fernando Patricio; Calero Cisneros, Karla Alejandra; Ramírez Núñez, Katherine Viviana; Tipán Vergara, Paola Alexandra
2024The use of ReadEasy as a tool to develop reading skills in children with A1 levelsUrgilés Armendariz, Ingrid Alina; Solórzano Parrales, Wendy María
2024Interactive platforms for the teaching-learning of english as a foreign language for a student with asd in high schoolVéliz Gilberto, Antonio José; Robles Lucio, Doménica; Cervantes Maridueña, Karen; Brocell Villao, Luis Enrique
2024Gamification as a didactic motivator in low-resource public English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in EcuadorRecalde García, Frans Andrés; Preciado Asanza, Tanya Elizabeth; Preciado Asanza, María Vanessa; Mendoza Martínez, Mayra Alejandra
2024Ludic activities to develop speaking skill in students of elementary basic educationLopez Aguilar, Diego Vinicio; Paredes Reascos, Mariza Mari; Carrasco Carrasco, Jessica Lizbeth; Arboleda Valencia, Wilson Miguel
2024The Influence of Scaffolding Strategies on the Development of EFL Learners' Speaking SkillsPacheco Vásquez, Edwin Alexander; Hidalgo Quilligana, Doménica Isabel
2024ELF Curriculum in Ecuador: The Achievement of Communicative Competences in Learners Graduated from Ecuadorian Public Schools inFabre Mérchan, Paolo Geovanny; Guevara Peñaranda, Ninfa Sofia; Zambrano Pachay, Jorge Francisco
2024Teachers’ perspectives & experience: innovating educational practices through a digital environmentVillavicencio Gordon, Lucia Gabriela; Guaranda Suárez, Elaine Julissa; Gómez Freire, Fátima Inés; Freire Acosta, Johanna Stephania
2024Learning in english language teaching for bgu students with in- terferences in their academic performanceRojas Ceballos, Vivian Coromoto; Gómez Martínez, Natalia Emilene
2024¨The use of podcasts in improving 9th-grade students´ listening skills at a private high school in Milagro City¨Estrada Alarcón, Diana Xiomara; Eras Oñate, Evelin Gicely; Hoyos Zárate, Mariam Lady; Rivas Ortiz, Margarita Fabiola
2024Peer assessment in reading comprehension facilitated by PadletLozano Alvarado, Carla Isabel; Cárdenas Reyes, María José
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29