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Titel: El control interno y la productividad operacional de las medianas empresas comerciales del Cantón Milagro, 2015
Autoren: Fajardo Vaca, Ligia Meibol
Plaza Guerrero, Angelo Gregorio
Riera Dias, Jennifer Stefania
Erscheinungsdatum: Okt-2015
Zusammenfassung: The current investigation is to analyze the incident control in the operational productivity of the small sized businesses in Milagro, with knowledge that many of these businesses operate in an empirical manner and take care with tools and strategies that are indispensable in order to get favorable results. One of these indispensable strategies is to get better at applying the correct internal controls in all of the business operations. To develop the same, we use investigation techniques, like interviews and polls, we realized a study about the actual situation is that in different organizations had their own internal controls. The analysis results made us realize, that the internal control influences a large portion of the correct development of the operations or processes in an organization, nevertheless knowing of the importance of a good internal control, very few consider the process, the causes that they determined, among others, lacking the knowledge of economic recourses, ect. This investigation pretends to support and contribute to a better oriented small business, in which with the implementation or strengthening the internal controls helps the obtain profitable benefits.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Tesis de Ingeniería en Contaduría Pública y Auditoría CPA

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